Napoleon: A Biography

(Marcin) #1

For Napoleon's domestic reforms in the years I8oo--o4 memoir literature
constitutes an essential source. Apart from the works already cited by
Miot, Roederer and Thibaudeau, the fo llowing are essential: Baron
Despatys, Un ami de Fouche d'apres les Memoires de Gaillard (Paris I911);
Martin Gaudin, Memoires (Paris I826); Mathienu Mole, Souvenirs d'un
temoin I79I-I80J (Geneva I943); Pierre-Franyois Real, Memoires, ed.
Musnier-Desclozeaux (Paris I835).
For internal order and pacification the following are useful: Emile
Gaboury, Les Guerres de Vendee (Paris I989); Philippe Roussel, De
Cadoudal a Frotte (Paris I962); G. Lewis, The Second Vendee (Oxford
I978); Richard Cobb, The Police and the People: French Popular Protest,
I789-r82o (Oxford I970). See also Clive Emsley, 'Policing the streets of
early nineteenth-century Paris', French History I (I987) pp.257-82; E.
Daudet, La Police et les Chouans (Paris I895).
Plots against Napoleon were legion in this period and have spanned a
huge number of books and articles. Indicative titles are H. Gaubert,
Conspirateurs au temps de Napoleon I (Paris I962); L. de Villefosse and ].
Bouissounouse, L 'Opposition a Napoleon (Paris I 969) (both general
overviews); G. Hue, Un complot de police sous le Consulat (Paris I909) (on
the 'dagger' plot); E. Guillon, Les Complots militaires (Paris I894); G.
Augustin-Thierry, La mysterieuse affaire Donnadieu (Paris I909); C. Rinn,
Un mysterieux enlevement; Ernest d'Hauterive, L 'Enlevement du Senateur
Clement de Ris (Paris I926). For the royalists see L. Pinguad, Le Comte
d'Antraigues (Paris I894); G. Penotre, L 'Affaire Perlet (Paris I923);
T.H.A. Reiset, Autour des Bourbons (Paris I927); E. d'Hauterive, Figaro
policier (I928) and La Contre-Police royaliste en r8oo (Paris I93 I); ].
Vidalenc, Les Emigres franfais (Paris I963) and Rene Castries, La Vie
quotidienne des Emigres (Paris I966).
The various Jacobin and royalist plots, some extraordinarily violent in
intent, have spawned a wealth of journal articles, notably the following: ].
Gaffard, 'L'opposition republicaine sous le Consulat', Revue franfaise
(I887) pp.53-50; Frederic Masson, 'Les complots jacobins au lendemain
de Brumaire', Revue des Etudes napoleoniennes (I922) pp.5-28; Masson,
'La contre-police de Cadoudal', Revue des Etudes napoleoniennes (I923)
PP·97-I I2.
From a vast bibliography on the Concordat the following may be
selected: V. Bindel, Histoire religieuse de Napoleon (Paris I940); A.
Latreille, L'Eglise catholique et Ia Revolution franfaise (Paris I950); Jean
Leflon, La Crise revolutionnaire (I 949 ); s. Delacroix, La Reorganisation de

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