Napoleon: A Biography

(Marcin) #1

1979). The most recent discussion is R. McGrew, Paul I of Russia,
I754-I80I (Oxford 1992).
There is an ongoing (never-ending?) debate about the responsibility for
the renewal of war. A. Levy, Napoleon et Ia Paix (Paris 1902), P.
Cassagnac, Napoleon pacifiste (Paris 1932) and J. Deschamps, 'La rupture
de la paix d' Ami ens', Revue des Etudes napoleoniennes ( 1939) pp. 172-207
sum up the (surely incontestable) short-term case in Napoleon's favour.
P. Coquelle, Napoleon et l'Angleterre, I80J-I8IJ (Paris 1904) puts the
hostile case. The key figure in diplomacy is Talleyrand, for whom see
(apart from the works already cited) Louis Greenbaum, Talleyrand,
Statesman, Priest, the Agent-General of the Clergy (1970); Michel
Poniatowski, Talleyrand aux Etats Unis (Paris 1967); L. Noel, Talleyrand
(1975), M. Misoffe , Le Coeur Secret de Talleyrand. On his systematic
duplicity see E. Dard, Napoleon et Talleyrand (Paris 1937); L. Madelin,
Talleyrand (Paris 1944) and the exhaustive four-volume study by G.
Lacour-Gayet, Talleyrand (Paris 1934).
For the global context of Napoleon's wars see A. Harvey, Collision of
Empire: Britain in Three World Wars (1992) and P. Fregosi, Dreams of
Empire: Napoleon and the First World War,, IJ92-I8IS (1989) Colonial
affairs are dealt with in G. Hardy, Histoire de Ia Colonisation franfaise
(Paris 1943); J. Saintoyant, La Colonisation franfaise pendant Ia periode
napoleonienne (Paris 1931). The fascininating events in Haiti are dealt
with by C.L.R. James, The Black Jacobins (1949), Hubert Cole,
Christophe, King of Haiti (1967); Robert Cornevin, Haiti (Paris 1982);
Martin Ross, The Black Napoleon and the Battle for Haiti (1994) and
Antoine Metral, Histoire de /'expedition des Franfais a Saint-Domingue sous
le consulat de Napoleon Bonaparte (Paris 1985). On Louisiana consult
Michael Garnier, Bonaparte et Ia Louisiane (Paris 1992); E. Wilson-Lyon,
Louisiana in French Diplomacy (1934); I. Murat, Napoleon et le Reve
americain (Paris 1976) and Villiers du Terrage, Les Dernieres Annees de Ia
Louisiana franfaise (Paris 1904). A general overview of Napoleon's policy
in the Americas is provided by Jacques Godechot, L'Europe et /'Amerique
a l'epoque napoleonienne (Paris 1967) and Alexander de Conde, The Quasi­
War: the Politics and Diplomacy of the Undeclared War with France,
I797-I80I (NY 1966). Jefferson's role in the Louisiana purchase can be
followed in Dumas Malone, Jefferson the President. The First Term
I8oi-I8os (Boston 1970) and Alexander de Conde, This Affair of
Louisiana (NY 1976).

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