Napoleon: A Biography

(Marcin) #1

represents Corsica at Versailles, ro, I 5
secretary to Pasquale Paoli, 4, 8
unfaithful wife, Io-rr, 85
Bonaparte, Caroline (sister), 2I, 22, 35, 49,
I24, I48, 304, 3I4, 3I6, 3I7, 3 I8, 3I9,
468, 469
adultery with Junot, 383
Grand Duchess of Berg and Cleves, 383
granted title of princess, 297
infatuation with Metternich, 383
marriage to Murat, 22I, 243, 27I
power devil, 274
scheming, 436,
treacherous to Napoleon, 273, 383, 577,
Bonaparte, Elisa (sister), ro, 2I, 58, I48,
273-4, 59I
at Saint-Cyr with nuns, 22, 49, 54, 57
death, 663
Grand Duchess of Tuscany, 384, 424,
granted title of princess, 297
marriage to Pasquale Bacciochi, I33-4
power devil, 274
princess of Piombino, 3I4
treachery, 598
Bonaparte, Jerome (brother), 35, 49, 96,
I24, I48, 30I, 372, 436, 59I
bequest from Napoleon, 630
death, 663
disgraced, 297, 298
flight from Paris (I8I4), 586
king of Westphalia, 276, 378, 38I,
385-6; disastrous rule, 386, 425, 439,
440, 472
marriage to Betsy Patterson, 272, 298;
annulment, 299
marriage to Princess Catherine of
Wiirttemberg, 38I, 386
Russian front (I8I2), 5oo, 504, 5oS, 532;
blunders, 508, 509
spoilt brat, 272
Waterloo battle, 622
Bonaparte, Joseph (brother), 2, 4, 6, 7, 8,
22, 34, 40, 42, 44, 57, 62, 70, 77, 84,
86, 87, 88, 97, rr8, 22I, 235, 239,
303, 589, 59I, 627, 632
alliance with Talleyrand, 266, 269-70
assistant commissary of the Republic, 72
bequest from Napoleon, 630
commander-in-chief in Spain, 46I, 544
death, 663
defeat at Vitoria, 56o-I
dislike of Josephine, II5, 27I
enrolled at Autun school, I5
envoy in Madrid, I53
fa ilure to defend Paris (I8I4), 586, 587,
family banker, I48

favours peace, 584
flees Madrid, 546, 559
governor of Paris (I8I4), 577
heir apparent and prince of empire, 297
informs on Josephine, I8I, I82, 204
involvement in Brumaire coup, 2I2, 2I4,
King of Naples, 346-7, 385, 436, 438,
last interview with Napoleon, 633-4
loot from Rome, I47-8
made consul in Italy, 96
marriage to Julie Clary, 77, So, 83
Peninsular War, 452, 454, 455, 459, 46I,
544, 545, 546, 559-6I
politician in Corsica, 39
retires to Paris in disgrace, 56 I
rivalry with Napoleon, I2-I3
rule as King of Spain, 395, 396, 398,
399, 406, 407, 423, 425, 442, 450, 456,
462, 477
studies law at Pisa, 33, 35
training for priesthood at Aix, I I I
Bonaparte, Letizia (Madame Mere), 2-4, 6,
7, 9, 2I, 22, 32, 33, 37, 49, 58, Io7,
Io8, I48, 205, 277, 294, 297-8, 5I8,
6o4, 649, 65o, 652
death, 663
exile in Toulon, 70
financial troubles, 33, 35, 40
fu gitive in Corsica, 64-5
hatred of Josephine, I05, I34, 272
installed near Antibes, 77
last farewell to Napoleon, 63I
meddling, 272-3
mistress of Marbeuf, Io-rr, 67, 68
mother complex of Napoleon, 8, I3-I4,
43, 65, 66, 85, Io6
move to Marseilles, 70
relocated in Paris by Napoleon, 96
rewarded by Napoleon, 3I4-I5, 3I9
triumphant return to Ajaccio, I34
visits Napoleon on Elba, 599
Bonaparte, Louis (brother), 2I, 35, 42, 49,
86, 3I5, 384-5, 396
appointed to Napoleon's staff, So, 96; in
Italy, 125, I26
contraband dealings with England, 483-4
death, 663
doubts surrounding parentage, IO
fa vourite brother, 270
King of Holland, 347, 37I, 385, 425,
436, 438; abdication (I8Io), 438, 472,
483; expelled from Holland, 498
made prince of empire, 297
marries Hortense Beauharnais (I8o2),
27I-2; breakdown, 385
neurotic, 27o-I
relations with Napoleon, 40, 4I, 77, I24,
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