Napoleon: A Biography

(Marcin) #1

Bonaparte, Lucien (brother), Io, 2I, 23,
33, 35, 57, 58, 204, 205, 209 239, 3I4,
active participation in Brumaire coup,
2I8, 2I9, 220, 222
arrest of, 79, 88
bad relationship with Napoleon, 22, 77,
I23, I24, 270, 384, 472-3
bequest from Napoleon, 630
bribes from Spanish and Portuguese, 270
captured by British, 472
commissary with Army of the North, 96
death, 663
denounces Paoli, 6 I, 62, 2 I o
disgraced, 297, 298
dislike of Josephine, I05, 270
flees with Jacobins from Toulon, 70
marries Alexandrine Joubertuon, 298
Minister of the Interior, 224
reconciliation, 6o8, 6 I o, 628, 629
sent as ambassador to Madrid, 253, 270
whispering campaign against Barras and
Talleyrand, 2Io--II
Bonaparte, Napoleon, see Napoleon I,
Bonaparte, Napoleon-Charles (nephew),
doubtful parentage, 27I-2
Bonaparte, Pauline (sister), 2I, 35, I07-8,
I48, 304 , 3I4, 3I9, 464, 466, 469, 59I,
596, 604
death, 663
dislike of Josephine, I34, 275
fa vourite sister, 663
lovers, 27 4, 598
marriage to Prince Camillo Borghese,
seduced by Leclerc, II8, I33; marriage
to him, I34; death, 274
sexual appetite, 274, 3I5-I6, 386--7
stunning beauty, 49, 77, 97, 3I5
visit to Napoleon on Elba, 599
Bonifacio, attempt on Napoleon's life, 62
British blockade, 236, 480
occupied by British (I8I4), 586
Borghese, Prince Camillo
colonel in Imperial Guard, 3I5
governor-general of Turin, 386
marriage to Pauline, 274-5
Borodino, battle of, 5 I7-20
Boswell, James, 5-6, I2
Boucheporn, M. de, IO
Bougainville, Admiral de, I59
Bouillerie, La, 444
Boulogne (invasion port), 32I, 322, 323,
324, 325, 33I, 333, 334, 355
raided by Nelson (I8oi), 32I
Royal Naval bombardment (I8o3), 327
troop build-up, 338

Bourbons, 6o6, 633, 637
restoration of, 588, 6oo, 6oi, 6o2, 6o3,
604, 63I-2
suspected failed assassins of Napoleon,
Bourgoin, Mile,
affair with Napoleon, 276
liaison with Czar Alexander I, 403
Bourgoing, ambassador in Dresden, 44I
Bourrienne, Louis Fauvelet de (secretary),
28, 29, 54, 89, I69, I73, I76, I8I,
I98, 2I3, 2I6, 2I7, 229, 230, 24I, 242,
278, 279, 284, 308, 447-8, 484, 485-6,
agent for Bourbons, 448
dismissed for peculation and larceny,
Boutreux, 540
Bouvet, General, 545
Boyer, Gene�al, lover of Pauline, 274
Bragelonne, Elie-Charles de, I9
blockade by Royal Navy, 323, 324, 328,
329, 33o--I
naval battle, 330
Brienne military college, I6-23, 27
Brueys, Admiral, I72, I73, I74
defeat in Battle of the Nile, I8o--I
Bruix, Admiral, 323, 324, 333
Brumaire, 2I2-22
Brune, Marshal, I84, 307, 309, 338, 355,
372, 6I3
career in plundering, I7o--I
Marshal of France, 305
suppresses Vendeans, 243
victory in Holland, 204, 207
Brunswick, Duke of, 355, 357, 359, 6I5
Brussels, 6II, 6I3, 6I4
Allied occupation (I8I4), 580
Buckingham, Marquess of, 266
Bulow, Baron von, 577-8, 580, 582, 583,
62I, 623, 624, 625
Burgos, 406, 546, 56o
Burrard, General, 400
Burton, Dr, 656
Buttafuoco, Comte de, 38, 39, 40, 44, 49
Buxhowden, General, 34I, 343, 344
Bylant, General, 622, 623
Byron, Lord, 297, 664

Cadiz, 329, 33 I, 332, 334, 460
siege of (I8Io), 452
Cadoudal, Georges, plot against Napoleon,
292, 294, 296, 297
Caffarelli, General Louis, I70, 544
death at Acre, I92
Cagliari, threatened by French, 6I
Cairo, French occupation, I79, I8o, I82,
I89, I94, I97
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