Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1


In 19 I 6 I needed $25,000 with which to create an educational
institution, but I had neither the money nor sufficient collateral with
which to borrow it through the usual banking sources. Did I bemoan
my fate or think of what I might accomplish if some rich relative or
Good Samaritan would come to my rescue by loaning me the neces-
sary capital?
I did nothing of the sort!
I did just what you will be advised, throughout this course, to do.
First of all, I made the securing of this capital my Definite Chief Aim.
Second, I laid out a complete plan through which to transform this
aim into reality. Backed by sufficient Self-Confidence and spurred on
by Initiative, I proceeded to put my plan into action. But before the
"action" stage of the plan had been reached, more than six weeks of
constant, persistent study and effort and thought were put into it. If a
plan is to be sound it must be built of carefully chosen material.
You will next observe the application of the principle of organized
effort} through which it is possible for one to ally or associate several
interests in such a way that each oj these interests is greatly strengthened
and each supports all the others, just as one link in a chain supports all
the other links.
I wanted this $25,000 in capital for the purpose of creating a
school of advertising and salesmanship. Two things were necessary for
the organization of such a school. One was the $25,000, which I did
not have, and the other was the proper course of instruction, which I
did have. My problem was to ally myself with some group who needed
what I had, and who would supply the $25,000.
This alliance had to be made through a plan that would benefit all
After my plan had been completed, and I was satisfied that it was
equitable and sound, I presented it to the owner of a well-known and
reputable business college which just then was finding competition quite
keen and was badly in need of a plan for meeting this competition.

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