Law of Success (21st Century Edition)

(Joyce) #1

My plan was presented in about these words:
Whereas, you have one of the most reputable business colleges in
the city; and,
Whereas, you need some plan with which to meet the stiff compe-
tition in your field; and,
Whereas, your good reputation has provided you with all the credit
you need; and,
Whereas, I have the plan that will help you meet this competition
successfully, be it resolved that we ally ourselves through a plan that will
give you what you need and at the same time supply me with something
that I need.
Then I proceeded to unfold my plan further, in these words:
I have written a very practical course on advertising and salesman-
ship. Having built this course out of my actual experience in training and
directing salesmen, and my experience in planning and directing many
successful advertising campaigns, I have behind it plenty of evidence of
its soundness.
If you will use your credit in helping market this course, I will place
it in your business college as one of the regular departments of your
curriculum and take entire charge of this newly created department. No
other business college in the city will be able to meet your competition,
because no other college has a course such as this. The advertising that
you do in marketing this course will also serve to create the demand for
your regular business course. You may charge to my department the
entire amount that you spend for this advertising, and the advertising
bill will be paid out of that department, leaving for you the accumula-
tive advantage that will accrue to your other departments without cost
to you.
Now, I suppose you will want to know where I will profit by this
transaction, and I will tell you. I want you to enter into a contract with
me in which it will be agreed that when the cash receipts from my
department equal the amount you have paid out or contracted to pay

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