least cost in money or time. There are
an infinite number of communication
methods. These methods range from
personal visits to each customer to mass
media advertising, with a wide range of
possibilities in between. We list some in
“Ways to Reach Your Target Customer,”
below, as a stimulus to your thinking.
There are lots of alternative strategies
you can use to reach your market. For
example, businesses with a few large-
dollar customers will have different choices
than businesses with many smaller-dollar
customers. Technical consulting businesses
tend to fall in the category of having a few
customers with large contracts, whereas
fast food restaurants or retail stores
have many customers who make small
Above all, remember that the most
effective way to reach and keep customers
in the long run is by word of mouth. All
the marketing and advertising you do
can only entice your customer to try your
business the first time. After that, she will
come back to your business if she likes
what she received, and she’ll tell all her
friends. But be aware that customers are
even more likely to let friends know if a
business doesn’t meet their expectations.
To complete this next exercise, write
down the five or so methods you think will
reach most of your customers. Remember
to select methods that are appropriate for
the overall number of people in your target
market. For instance, if your target market
is every married woman in the U.S.A.,
Ways to Reach Your
Target Customer
Here are some common methods business-
people use to reach customers:
• Take each prospect to lunch.
• Visit or telephone each prospect
• Handwrite and send a personal
greeting card to every prospect.
• Write a technical article in a trade
• Attend or make presentations
at trade or industry shows and
• Create and distribute or mail a regular
• Appear on radio and television shows
about your field.
• Write a newspaper or magazine
column about your field.
• Write a personalized letter to each
• Mail brochures or flyers to each
• Advertise in print—daily newspapers,
magazines, or weekly papers.
• Advertise on radio and television.
• Place leaflets on car windshields or
home doorknobs.
• Put notices on supermarket bulletin
• Enter notices in computerized
• Join service clubs and take part in
community affairs.