you will probably use mass media as an
effective communication method. On the
other hand, if your target market is the
presidents of the 100 largest companies in
your trade area, you are more likely to use
individual contacts than mass media.
Once you’ve chosen the communication
methods you like best, fi gure out how
much it will cost to reach your customers
using each of the fi ve methods.
Note that some of Antoinette’s more
sensible ideas don’t take any money
at all, just some time to convince the
magazines and papers to carry her material
and the time to produce it. Perhaps you
can develop some similar ideas for your
Create a Marketing Budget
Now that you have a wish list of things
you’d like to do, it’s time to decide which
of the promotional ideas you can afford
and which are too costly. In Chapter 7
you prepared a Capital Spending Plan and
estimated how much money you’d allow
for an opening promotion to let people
know you’re in business. In Chapter 6 you
prepared a Profi t and Loss Forecast that
took into account your monthly marketing
costs. If you allowed enough money to
provide the sort of promotion you want,
you can fi nish writing your marketing plan
However, if you didn’t allow enough
money, or if you’re not sure how much
money is enough, you’ll want to stop here
Antoinette’s Dress Shop:
Costs of Reaching My
Target Customers
I have about 20,000 potential customers in
the greater New City trading area. I don’t
anticipate reaching customers beyond this
- I like direct mail, since I can develop
lists of active businesswomen in
the area. I’d like to bulk-mail a fl yer
announcing our opening for about 30¢
to 50¢ each, for a total cost of $6,000
to $10,000. - Limited ads in the New City Monthly
will run about $300 to $500 per month
for a few months. - When anyone comes into the shop, I’ll
ask for her name and address and later
I’ll send notices of fashion shows and
fashion tips. Th e cost will depend on
the size of my list and the frequency of
mailings. - I can place announcements of my
fashion shows in the two daily papers
serving the area at no cost. - I’ll see if one of the local papers will
carry a column I’ll write for free on
fashion tips. - I’ll join all the professional women’s
groups in the area and become a visible
spokesperson for my shop.