Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs),
are the most popular fats in town. Their
health-promoting properties are generally
agreed upon, and we, your primary-care
physician, the government, and “that doctor
on TV” all believe that a diet rich in heart-
healthy MUFAs do, in fact, make you
healthier. (That and refined-grains-are-bad-
for-you may be the only thing we all agree on,
but we can live with that.)
Monounsaturated fats are found in a
variety of plant foods and oils as well as in
animal products. Studies show that eating a
diet rich in MUFAs improves blood pressure
and cholesterol levels, thus reducing the risk
of cardiovascular disease. Research also
shows that replacing other forms of fat with
MUFAs may benefit insulin and blood sugar
levels, which can be especially helpful if you
are insulin resistant or type 2 diabetic. In