Um, that’s it. We could pretty much end
this section right here. Put your protein on the
plate, and fill the rest with vegetables. How
easy is that?
Of course, you have some questions.
First, we do mean fill your plate. Because
seven leaves of spinach don’t really provide
you with the carbohydrate or the
micronutrients you need to be healthy. And
don’t try arranging the meat on your plate so
it takes up as much space as possible, either.
(What are you, twelve?) Don’t worry, by the
time we’re done, you’ll like certain vegetables
so much that you’ll gladly make room for
them. Really.
That having been said, we’re not the
Veggie Police, insisting that you eat your
weight in leafy greens every day. And we also
know that some days you won’t even have a
plate—like if you’re eating a bowl of curry or
stew, in which the veggies are already mixed