It Starts With Food: Discover the Whole30 and Change Your Life in Unexpected Ways

(Grace) #1

appreciate the flavors found in the fresh foods
you’re eating. But you may also be getting a
little bored with your food if you relied on the
same basic “go-to” meals for the first two
weeks. Time to revisit our Meal Map and try
something new!

During this time, you also may start
thinking, “I’m really feeling better now—two
weeks is probably enough.” We call this the
“bright, shiny toy” mentality—the novelty of
the program has worn off, but you’re still two
weeks away from completion. Time to snap to
attention—don’t get lazy or let your guard
down! Now is the perfect time to experiment
with new foods, new spices and herbs, and
more exotic dishes—and draft a few strategies
to combat the sugar dragon when it
unexpectedly roars back to life in your brain.
(And, we’re sorry to say, it probably will.)

Even if you haven’t achieved all the
results you’d hoped to by the twenty-ninth
day, hang on: you cannot reasonably expect to

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