completely reverse decades of poor eating
habits in just thirty days. At some point, we
promise ... the magic will happen. In the
meantime, be patient, don’t ease up on your
hard-won discipline, and focus on all the
things that have improved in your life since
starting the Whole30—that should supply all
the motivation you need to keep up the good
work. But we’ll caution you now ...
There is no magic number.
You don’t have to abandon your efforts
just because you’ve done your thirty days. If
after a month, your tastes have yet to change,
if you’re still craving all your “old” foods, if
you’re still a slave to the sugar dragon, or if
you haven’t noticed a significant
improvement in a particular factor that was
important to you at the beginning of this
program ... please consider sticking with the
Whole30 for a little while longer. You’ve