Instead of preplanning your “nutritional
off-roading,” we recommend a more flexible,
intuitive approach. The basis of your everyday
meals should look a lot like our “more
healthy” recommendations, focused on high-
quality meat, seafood, and eggs; vegetables,
fruit, and healthy fats.
If you are happy with your food, feeling
great and lovin’ life, there is no reason
whatsoever to stray from this template.
The idea that dietary “cheats” are
necessary to “shock the body” and “jump-start
your metabolism” is total malarkey. Binging
on pizza, pasta, cake, and cookies has
absolutely zero positive impact on your
health, and may have serious consequences,
depending on the food and your context.
However, there are a few reasons to eat foods
that are less healthy.
First, there are culturally significant or