hungry, or craving? Is it going to be
incredibly special, significant, or delicious? Is
it going to mess me up—negatively affect
how I feel or the quality of my life?
This process might seem tedious or
unnecessary. After all, you’ve been choosing
your own food for a long time now—surely,
you are capable of deciding what you want to
eat or drink, right?
Not so fast.
Isn’t that kind of automatic “decision
making” what got you into trouble in the first
place? Because of the kinds of foods and
drinks we often indulge with (supernormally
stimulating, nutrient-poor, calorie-dense, and
highly processed), it’s all too easy to let your
reward, pleasure, and emotional pathways do
the talking. And if you allow that to happen,
you often find that cookie, martini, or
breakfast pastry half gone before you even
realize it. So please, stop and think critically