morning, a little something is better than
nothing, so do the best you can.
Post-Workout: Your post-workout meal
is a special “bonus meal” designed to
help you start the recovery process faster
and more effectively. After you train,
your muscles and connective tissue need
protein, and your glycogen stores may
need replenishing. Eat your post-workout
meal as soon as possible—ideally, within
fifteen to thirty minutes of training.
Bring it to the gym or competition site!
Have a meal-size serving of an easily
digestible protein and add carbohydrate
in the form of starchy vegetables based
on your activity level and health status.
Fruit is not your best choice here.
Fructose-rich fruit will preferentially
replenish liver glycogen, but your
muscles did all the hard work. A good
post-workout meal might be: chicken
breast and sweet potato, salmon and