“snack” is not fuel for your workout!
You’ve got tens of thousands of calories
stored in your body—plenty to support
your activity. Your pre-workout food
simply sends a signal to your body to
prepare it for the activity that is coming.
Eat fifteen to seventy-five minutes
before your workout, choosing foods that
are easily digestible and palatable—the
timing is highly variable and depends on
what your gastrointestinal tract can
tolerate before physical activity. Focus
on protein and fat and avoid lots of fruit
or carb-dense vegetables. Remember,
elevated insulin levels undermine
glucagon’s energy-access function—and
you need your energy stores during a
training session. A pre-workout snack
might be: two hard-boiled eggs, some
deli turkey and a small handful of
macadamia nuts, or a few strips of beef
jerky. If you exercise first thing in the