It Starts With Food: Discover the Whole30 and Change Your Life in Unexpected Ways

(Grace) #1
omega-3  fatty   acids.  Your    body
cannot produce them—you must
get them from food or
supplements. EPA and DHA are
found in high-quality (grass-
finished, pastured, wild-caught)
meat, seafood, and eggs and in
fish oil supplements.

Reducing the amount of omega-6 fatty
acids in your diet; eating high-quality meat,
seafood, and eggs to maximize omega-3
intake; and supplementing with a high-quality
fish oil all help to reduce systemic
inflammation and the wide range of
downstream effects. However, remember that
in the case of all polyunsaturated fats, some is
good, but more is not better. We don’t want to
overdo our fish oil intake, as too much PUFA
in the diet (even the healthy kind) may
promote oxidation and inflammation in the

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