In addition, because EPA and DHA are
rather unstable when exposed to air, heat, and
light, don’t ever heat your fish oil! It’s OK to
add the lemon-flavored one to a cold salad
dressing, but don’t drizzle it over hot food or
store it in warm places—in fact, we
recommend storing it in the fridge, just to be
This vitamin-that’s-really-a-hormone
should be no stranger at this point—we’ve
mentioned the benefits of D 3 for everything
from immune support to bone health. While
vitamin D 3 is found in many foods (like meat
and eggs), sun exposure is the biggest natural
source of our vitamin D stores.
Skin cells are able to synthesize vitamin
D 3 when the sun’s UV-B rays hit the skin. If
you’re fair skinned, spending just ten minutes