It Starts With Food: Discover the Whole30 and Change Your Life in Unexpected Ways

(Grace) #1

efforts have failed?

Dieting doesn’t work.

But you knew that already, didn’t you?
Calorie-restrictive plans have been found
to help folks lose weight, but only in the short
term. Most folks can’t sustain their new
dietary habits, and after a year or two, the vast
majority end up gaining back even more
weight than they lost. (Kind of a bummer,
right?) The truth is, simply reducing your
calories isn’t likely to change or alleviate
your food cravings, even if you do lose
weight. And we’ll show how your cravings,
habits, and patterns are critical to your long-
term success.

In addition, creating healthy dietary habits
isn’t just about restricting or eliminating
certain foods. You already know that fast
food, junk food, and sweets aren’t good for
you. You know you shouldn’t eat them if you

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