heredity and environment,
intelligence quotient (IQ),
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale,
testing method, 22–23
validity and reliability of testing,
Wechsler Scales, 141–143
intelligence quotient (IQ), 143–145
interpersonal attraction, social psy-
chology, 249–251
interposition, depth perception, 66
interpretation, psychodynamic ther-
apy, 233
intervening variable, motivation, 91
intimacy, sexuality, 185–187
intimacy versus isolation, psychoso-
cial development, 162
introjection, Freudian personality
theory, 197
introspection, structuralism, 4–5
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality
Inventory (MMPI), 208
personality theory, 194–195, 200,
involuntary, conditioned reflex,
learning, 75
irritability, choleric personality, 193
isolation versus intimacy, psychoso-
cial development, 162
Itard, Jean-Marc-Gaspard, 149
James-Lange theory, emotion,
James, William, 3, 5–6, 10, 18, 61,
77, 110–111, 121
Johnson, Virginia E., 176, 177
Johnson, Wendell, 186
Jung, Carl, 194–195, 200–201, 202,
Kant, Immanuel, 18, 166
kinesthesis, sensation, 53
kinesthetic intelligence, 139
Kinsey, Alfred, survey method,
Koff ka, Kurt, 6, 58
Kohlberg, Lawrence, 166–168
Köhler, Wolfgang, 6, 83
Korsakoff ’s psychosis, organic mental
disorders, 224
labeling-of-arousal hypothesis, emo-
tion, 111–112
Landon, Alfred, 22
Lange, Carl, 110–111
language, Broca’s area, 38
latency stage, psychosexual develop-
ment, 158–159
latent learning, consciousness and,
latent level, dream analysis, 234
law of effect, trail-and-error learning,
laziness, biological viewpoint, 9
learning, 72–89
animal studies, 2
classical conditioning, 74–76
consciousness and, 81–84
defined, 73–74
experimental psychology, 12
Gestalt psychology, 6
memory, 84–86
operant conditioning, 77–81
perception, 61–62
personality formation and,
trial-and-error, 76–77
learning-performance distinction, 83
learning process, Skinner, B. F., 7
learning set, 84
learning to learn, 84
learning viewpoint
abnormal behavior, 226
behavior, 9–10
left brain hemisphere, function of, 38
lens, vision, 48
lesbianism, sexual variance, 184
Lewin, Kurt, 114–115
fixation of, psychosexual develop-
ment, 159
loss of, sexual dysfunction, 180
personality theory, 195
psychosexual development, 158
life change units (LCUs), 113–114
light touch, sensation, 51–52
limbic system, function of, 38
limerance, intimacy, 185
linear perspective, depth perception,
lithium carbonate, 242
Locke, John, 9, 18, 166
logical thinking, 128–131
longitudinal study, intelligence test-
ing, 141
long-term memory, 85
loss of libido, sexual dysfunction, 180
loudness, hearing, 50
hierarchy of needs, 100
intimacy, 185–187
Lowell, Percival, scientific method, 19
magical thinking, cognitive develop-
ment, 164
major depressive episode, mood dis-
orders, 220
major tranquilizers, 241
maladaptive behavior
behavior therapy, 237
personality disorders, 223
sexuality, 175
male orgasmic disorder, 179
male sexual dysfunction, 179–180
malleus, hearing, 50
mania, mood disorders, 221
manic-depressive disorder, mood dis-
orders, 221
manifest level, dream analysis, 234
interpersonal patterns in, 186–187
personality, 192
romantic love, 185–186
Martyr archetype, collective uncon-
scious, personality theory,
masculinity-femininity, Minnesota
Multiphasic Personality
Inventory (MMPI), 208
Maslow, Abraham, 11, 99–102, 197,
201, 204, 205, 235
masochism, sexual variance, 182
Masters, William H., 176, 177
orgasm, 177
sexual variance, 181, 184
Index 269
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