The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1
now,     then    you     probably    will    be  a   world-famous

Then    he  read    my  case.   He  asked   me:

Judge:  “Do you know    who your    father  is?”

Tiffany:    “Nope.  I   haven’t seen    him since   I   was three.”

Judge:  “Where’s    your    mom?”

Tiffany:     “She’s  locked  down    in  a   mental  facility.   She

Then    he  signed  the paper.
I was all happy. That bus ride back felt much shorter.

•       •       •

ͳe news came, and they mlmed me. It went real good, and
they told me when it would be on, and I was real excited.
ͳen the day it was supposed to come on, that day,
Princess Diana goes and gets killed in a car wreck.
I got bumped. It’s cool, though. I wasn’t mad. She was a
princess, I get it.
It was two months before it mnally came on the air. I was
so happy watching it. I felt like a star already. It was the first
time I had ever seen myself as valuable, worth people’s time
or attention.
After that comedy camp, they started letting me do

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