The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1

started jetting over to the dumpster, and I threw the bag of
trash in the dumpster.
Once I got the trash in the dumpster, she tackled me and
beat me up again by the dumpster.

Tiffany:    “Mom,   I   just    want    to  take    you shopping    with
my money. This is crazy.”

Mama:   “Fuck   you.    I   hate    you.    I   hate    you,    Renee.”

She started calling me Renee, which is the woman who
my stepdad was cheating on her with.

Mama:   “I  hate    you,    Renee.  I   fucking hate    you.    I   should
kill you, but I’m not. I’m gonna let you suĉer. I’m
gonna let you fucking suffer.”

She just walked away and went towards the Walmart.
Like nothing happened.
At the front of the Walmart, there was a man in a
wheelchair, the greeter. He’s probably a veteran, and he’s
missing legs, and he’s Mexican. He had one of those big
mustaches and a Walmart shirt on, and he said, “Welcome
to Walmart.”
My mom spat on him.

Mama:    “Your   people  make    me  vomit.  I   hate    your
burritos and everything. You make me vomit.”

She hocked  another loogie  and spat    in  his face.
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