The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1

Once she spat on him, she continued to walk through the
Walmart. Like nothing happened.
I was shocked. I tried to apologize to that man, but he
was in shock, too.
ͳen and only then, did the police show up. ͳey
showed up immediately after that. Like, not even mve
minutes later.
I was getting my ass beat in the parking lot for forty-mve
minutes, and nobody came to help. But they immediately
showed up when she spat on this Walmart employee.
ͳe police came, and she started sprinting away from
them, so they started chasing her. She ran out of the
Walmart, into the actual mall, and they followed and chased
her around the mall. It was crazy.
She is a big woman, and she was straight sprinting from
the police. I didn’t know what to think, except, damn, I did
NOT know she could move like that.
ͳey eventually caught her. I was following right behind

Tiffany:     “ͳat’s  my  mom.    Please  don’t   hurt    my  mom.
That’s my mom. Please don’t hurt my mom.”

But she started struggling with them. It took six police to
get her subdued. ͳey had to hog-tie her. ͳey tied up her
ankles, and they made her legs connect like shackles, you
know? Nobody wants to see their parents like that.

Mama:    “Tiĉany,    this    is  all     your    fault.  I   could   have
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