(Ewa) #1

Project co-financed under the European Union Erasmus + program. Action ka2, Strategic partnerships,
Vocational education and training sector
No of the project: 2018 - 1 - PL01-KA202- 051120

Entrepreneurship Syllabus Co-Creation Lesson Plan

For: Entrepreneurship/enterprise classes

Length: 90 minutes

Prepared by
Poland :

Anna Klebus Topic: How does an enterprise operate on the market?
Entrepreneurial competences. part 1

Age/level: 16 - 19

Essential question:
How to organize work in order to match
tasks to the employees’ predispositions
and to open a company to changes in the

Objectives: Students will

  • organize work in an enterprise

  • perform different occupation roles
    (produce goods, sell goods, manage finances)

  • develop teamwork skills, working under time pressure, creativity, and openness to change
    Materials: flipchart, colored paper, coloured markers, 4 pairs of scissors, money set (Eurobusiness version), instruction to make an
    origami duck for each student

Educator Guide Time


Class Overview

Quick list of the main skills students will learn during
your course 0 -^3

Show the part of your syllabus on the screen that speaks
to the skills they will develop during your course

Step 1:
Introduction to
market simulation

Students are told that they will independently organize
businesses to compete in a changing environment.
Their job will be to sell paper ducks to a buying
company, deposit fees into a bank, and purchase
materials from a wholesaler. Work will take place over 3
working days for 8 minutes. The price of the ducks will

3 - 25

Divide the class into 4 groups to form 4 enterprises
producing ducks. Inform the groups that they need to
organize their work and share tasks: production, sales
and purchasing, accounting. The accountant has to
decide how to record outflows and incomes. The people
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