(Ewa) #1

Project co-financed under the European Union Erasmus + program. Action ka2, Strategic partnerships,
Vocational education and training sector
No of the project: 2018 - 1 - PL01-KA202- 051120

be given each day by the teacher, the price of materials
for production (paper, markers) will be determined each
day by the wholesaler. After the end each working day,
the students cannot produce, their task is to count the
finances and plan further activities. Every company has
to pay the employee's salary to the bank every day (
E per person), pay the weekly rent once (100 E), and
record income and expenses.

working in production must learn how to assemble the
duck according to the instructions.

Distribute materials to the students: 2 sheets of paper and
a pen for each student; instructions for folding the duck.
Give each group 200 E to start their business.

Encourage the groups to assign tasks to workers based
on ability to produce ducks according to instructions and
other skills.

Three students, preferring individual work, will
independently run the bank, the material warehouse, and
the duck purchase. Inform them that their job is to serve
customers and to record receipts or expenses from each

Hand out a piece of paper and a pen to each person.
Their job is to plan the tables to enter amounts from the
companies. The person running the duck purchase is
given a set of money. The person running the wholesaler
gets multicolored paper, markers and scissors.

Write down the answers to important questions from
students on a flipchart - e.g., amounts to be paid into the
bank, length of the working day, other work rules.

Step 2:
Simulation of
activities of

Students in groups produce and sell ducks during 3
workdays lasting 8 minutes. At the end of each working
day, they have time to summarize their finances and
plan their next activities.

Each working day, the teacher announces a different
price list for the ducks by writing on the flipchart, eg.:

25 - 65

Inform students that the first working day is about to
begin, during which they can buy, produce, sell, and
deposit money into the bank.

Measure the time of the working day and do not let
students work longer then 8 minutes.
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