Finish every yoga class with Savasana, Corpse Pose, and allow the body
to relax. It’s in Savasana, a beautiful place of silence and presence, that we
get to soak up all the yumminess of our hard work on the mat.
Lie on your back with your arms down by your sides, palms facing up. If
your lower back is sensitive, you can place a bolster or a pillow beneath
your knees for support. I like to burn some palo santo, holy wood, right
before Savasana to raise the vibration in the room and inspire total
relaxation (plus it smells amazing!). Close your eyes, let your body soften,
and feel the weight of your body melting into the floor. Release any control
you might have had over your breath throughout the practice and come
back to the natural pace of your inhales and exhales. Follow the breath
every step of the way, and embrace the softness of the breath that arises