The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
How to Deal With Evil Spirits

Lord lead and guide you as to how to use spiritual
revelations and not run ahead of Him with them.
About two months after this vision, I had the
opportunity to implement what I had learned in this
vision about dealing with demons. I was holding a
meeting at a church in Texas. One of the board
members of a church in a nearby city asked me to hold
a meeting for them after I closed my meeting. So after I
finished my meeting, I drove over to the nearby city and
checked into the hotel where the church had made
accommodations for me.
In the afternoon, the board member who had talked
to me earlier called me on the telephone. He asked,
"Brother Hagin, could you help me. You've never met
my son, but he is thirty-eight years old and has never
been saved. He drinks and takes drugs. He comes to
stay with us sometimes, but we can't do anything with
him. He has spells and goes wild and starts breaking up
the furniture. We've had to call the police to come and
put him in jail for our own protection." It seemed the
devil had tried to drive this young man insane.
The board member said, "He's here with us now,
and he's had one of his spells. He picked up a huge
piece of furniture and broke it in two with his bare
hands. It's so large, two or three men couldn't have
broken it. He picked up a piano and threw it against the
wall, just like you'd pick up a book and throw it."
That's supernatural strength! Remember, the Bible
says the madman of Gadara broke every chain and
fetter (Mark 5:4) because he possessed supernatural
strength. The board member asked, "Would you come
over and help us?"
I drove to his home. When I got to the house, the
man and his wife took me to their son who sat slouched

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