The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

over on a couch with his head in his hands. This couple
didn't say one word of introduction as we entered the
room. Their son didn't know they had called me or who
I was; we had never met before. But the minute I
walked into the room, their son immediately looked up
at me and said, "I know you! I know who you are! I saw
you when you came into town at ten minutes after two
o'clock this afternoon!"
He then proceeded to tell me the very street I had
come down and told me each turn I had made, calling
each street by name. Then he told me the name of the
hotel I had checked into. He told me exactly the way I
came into town, and exactly what time I had arrived. No
man could have known those things.
The demon who possessed that man was using his
voice and had revealed these things to him. I answered,
"Yes, I know you know me, but in the Name of Jesus, be
quiet! In the Name of Jesus, come out of him!"
Just like you'd snap your fingers, the man's
countenance and his whole personality completely
changed! He brightened up and looked completely
normal. There was no other visible manifestation of his
deliverance. I didn't see any spirits leave the man, and
nothing else happened visibly, but the man was totally
We make a mistake thinking there always has to be
some kind of manifestation when someone is delivered
of evil spirits. Whether you see the evil spirits leave or
not, what's important is that the person is delivered.

The Third Part of the 1952 Vision
There was a third part of the 1952 vision about
demons and evil spirits and how to deal with them. In

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