The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

The Holy Spirit, writing through Paul, wants you as
a believer to pray for the eyes of your understanding to
be enlightened. The word "enlightened" means
illuminated or flooded with light. Another translation
says to pray that the eyes of your heart will be flooded
with light.
After praying these prayers for a number of months,
one day I was praying at the altar and the Lord spoke
to me and said, "I am going to take you on to revelations
and visions." That came as a result of praying these
prayers thousands of times for myself. Revelation from
the Word of God began to come to me and kept on
coming. I am talking about revelations in line with the
Finally, I said to my wife, "What in the world have I
been preaching!" I had been in the ministry fourteen
years, but in six months of praying these prayers for
myself, I received so much revelation from the Word of
God that it seemed like I was a brand-new person.
That's what Ephesians 1 is talking about—insight
into the knowledge of Jesus and understanding of the
knowledge of His Word.
It was in the winter of '47 and '48 that
understanding in line with God's Word by the Holy
Spirit began to come to me. Then in the '50s the visions
started coming. From 1950 through 1959, the Lord
Jesus Himself appeared to me eight different times.
Three out of the eight times He talked to me for an hour
and a half and brought me further revelation
concerning the Word of God.
One revelation the Spirit of God brought to me was
the believer's authority in Christ over Satan. In fact, in

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