The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Wisdom of God

the 1952 vision when Jesus talked to me for an hour
and a half, I received understanding concerning demons
and evil spirits. This understanding came after praying
these prayers for the eyes of my understanding to be
enlightened. Jesus Christ, the Head of the Church, gave
me biblical truths in that vision so believers could be
enlightened about Satan's wiles and strategies and not
get off into error.
Believers have been ignorant of Satan's devices, so
he has been able to take advantage of them. But the
Spirit of God wants believers to get the wisdom and
revelation of the knowledge of Jesus and His Word so
the eyes of their understanding will be enlightened to
know their authority in Christ.
God wants believers to know they are no longer
subject to Satan because they have been delivered from
his dominion and authority (Col. 1:13). God wants the
Body of Christ to know that we aren't a defeated
Church—we are a triumphant Church. We are to reign
in life through Jesus Christ because we have a position
of authority over the devil. When the eyes of our
understanding are enlightened, we can stand in our
place of authority as the triumphant Church upon the

Jesus' Authority
When Jesus began His public ministry, He came
into contact immediately with demonic forces and evil
spirits. Demons and evil spirits had wrought evil
unhindered down through the ages. Satan and his hosts
had reigned as kings in the spirit realm and held men
in the bondage of spiritual death. No one had authority
to dethrone Satan and his hosts or to rule over them or
to even challenge their authority or rulership upon the

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