The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

When Jesus conquered Satan in His death, burial,
and resurrection, He stripped from Satan all his
authority over spiritual death. Jesus now has “... the
keys of hell and of [spiritual] death" (Rev. 1:18).
In other words, everyone who accepts Jesus Christ
as his Lord and Savior is redeemed from the dominion
of Satan who had the power of spiritual death.
Believers are redeemed from spiritual death itself and
aren't separated from God when they die. They will
forever be with God (2 Cor. 5:6,8).
We can also see the victory of Jesus over Satan in
Colossians 2:15.

15 And having spoiled principalities and
powers, he made a shew of them openly,
TRIUMPHING OVER THEM in it [the Cross].
The phrase "having spoiled principalities and
power" is a little blind to us. Of course, the
principalities and powers that Jesus "spoiled" refer to
satanic beings. Let's look at some other translations of
Colossians 2:15 to get a better understanding of what
Jesus did when He spoiled these principalities and

COLOSSIANS 2:15 (Conybeare)
15 ... He [Jesus] DISARMED the Principalities
and the Powers [which fought against Him]....
COLOSSIANS 2:15 (Phillips)
15 ... he [Jesus] EXPOSED THEM, SHATTERED,
EMPTY and DEFEATED, in his final glorious
triumphant act!
Colossians 2:15 tells us that Satan and his evil hosts
were spoiled, disarmed, stripped of their power,
exposed, shattered, emptied and defeated by our Lord

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