The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Wisdom of God

Jesus Christ. And Jesus made an open example of their
complete defeat. This verse also shows us Satan's
eternal defeat.
When we understand how the word "spoiled" was
used in biblical times, it gives us a clearer picture of
Jesus' complete victory over the powers of darkness
when He was raised from the dead. In Bible days, when
one king fought against another king and defeated him
in battle, it was said that the defeated king was
“spoiled.” The victor would parade the captured king
and other important prisoners through the town as a
trophy of triumph. The victors would make a show of
the enemy's defeat, openly displaying their complete
downfall publicly before everyone.
The Bible says Jesus did that to Satan. Jesus
"spoiled" Satan, displaying His triumph and Satan's
defeat before three worlds: Heaven, earth, and hell
(Phil. 2:9,10). He disarmed and stripped Satan of his
authority and took the keys of death and hell from him
(Rev. 1:18), thereby stripping from Satan his authority
over spiritual death—eternal separation from God.
Another translation of Colossians 2:15 reads,
"Having put to nought principalities and powers, He
made a show of them openly triumphing over them in
the Cross."
To "put to nought" means to reduce to nothing! Jesus
reduced principalities and powers to nothing. He
completely stripped them of their authority. First John
3:8 says, “... For this purpose the Son of God was
manifested, that he might DESTROY [put to nought
and reduce to nothing] the works of the devil.” The
reason Jesus came to this earth was to put to nought
the works of the devil and reduce him to nothing!

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