The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Wisdom of God

EPHESIANS 2:4-6 (Weymouth)
4 But God, being rich in mercy, because of the
intense love which He bestowed on us,
5 Caused us, dead though we were through our
offences, TO LIVE WITH CHRIST—it is by grace
that you have been saved—
6 RAISED US WITH HIM from the dead, and
God enthroned us with Jesus in the heavenly
realms. Does that sound like a Church that's defeated
and is still having to do battle to gain mastery over
Satan? No, God designed the Church of the Lord Jesus
Christ to be triumphant because we are sharers and
partakers of Christ's victory over Satan.
Because the believer is in Christ, when Christ sat
down, the believer sat down with Him far above
principalities and powers. The Church, the Body of
Christ, is in Christ. The body is connected to the head.
Jesus is the Head of His Body—the Church.
If Jesus the Head triumphed over the devil, is the
Body of Christ to be any less triumphant since we are
in Christ? Of course not! It is our legal right to enjoy
joint-seating with Christ in heavenly places in a
position of authority and triumph far above all
principalities and powers. If you will take advantage of
your joint-seating with Christ, you will begin to
triumph in life!
Believers don't have to try to be seated far above
principalities and powers with Christ. They don't have
to pray through to be seated with Christ in heavenly
places. They don't have to struggle through to attain
that position, or fight through demons to be seated in a

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