The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

place of victory with Christ.
The believer's position and seating in Christ is a
fact. It has already happened. That position was
attained for us through our Lord Jesus Christ. Now all
we have to do is enjoy the rights and privileges that
already belong to us as joint-heirs with Christ.
In these Spirit-anointed prayers, the Holy Spirit is
endeavoring to get across to the Body of Christ that
their joint-seating with Christ far above the realms of
darkness is their legal inheritance.
But believers won't be able to take advantage of
what rightfully belongs to them in their inheritance in
Christ unless the eyes of their understanding are
enlightened to see what they really possess in this life.
We can't possess what we don't know belongs to us.
When believers get the revelation of their position in
Christ, what a difference it will make in their lives.
They will no longer be the defeated Church. They will
take their place as the triumphant Church, which was
God's design from the foundation of the world.
The unredeemed thinking of so many believers is
that they are helpless against the devil and are always
subject to defeat and failure: "The devil is after me all
the time." "The devil is going to get me!" "We don't have
much in this life, but when we all get to Heaven, what a
glorious future awaits us."
Yes, believers have a glorious future to look forward
to because they will forever be with the Lord. But the
Holy Spirit wants believers to know the glorious present
they possess right now because of their position in
Christ! Believers need to take advantage of what
belongs to them in Christ.
Because of our position in Christ, God is the

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