The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

People who enjoy the blessings of God, including
their rightful authority over the devil, just know how to
take advantage of what belongs to them to a greater
degree than those who don't appropriate the blessings
of God. If you don't know about your inheritance and
authority in Christ, you will not be able to partake of
what is rightfully yours.
Every one of us in the Body of Christ is blessed with
all or every spiritual blessing in Christ, so no one has a
corner on the authority we possess over the devil in
Jesus' Name. The least member in the Body of Christ
can be fearless in the face of demons, devils, and evil
spirits because of who he is in Christ. No one is blessed
with any more spiritual blessings than anyone else in
the Body of Christ.
It's to be regretted that every member of the Body of
Christ doesn't take advantage of what belongs to him,
because his authority over the devil belongs to him
whether he knows about it or not. But a person can't
take advantage of something he doesn't know about or

Only the Truth Acted Upon Sets You
The eyes of your understanding need to be
enlightened so you can know and exercise your authority
in Christ before it will benefit you. In other words, you
can know what is yours, but not act upon it. You can
know what the Word says, but not be a doer of the
Any blessing, right, privilege, or authority can
belong to you, but if you don't know about it, you won't

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