The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Wisdom of God

act on it. Or if you don't act on what you know and
exercise and appropriate what has been given to you, it
won't benefit you. It won't become a reality to you even
though it's your legal possession.
That's why you need to know what belongs to you in
Christ. But just knowledge of what belongs to you isn't
enough. It's knowledge acted upon that brings results.
The devil doesn't want the people of God to find out
the authority that actually belongs to them in Christ.
This is one way Satan tries to defeat the child of God.
He knows when the child of God finds out his legal,
lawful authority in Christ, he will enjoy victory over
That's why Satan tries to obscure this knowledge
and blind people's eyes and understanding and keep
this vital knowledge from them. But when the child of
God knows the truth and acts on that knowledge, he
can no longer be dominated by the devil.

JOHN 8:32
32 And ye shall know the truth [the Word], and
You have to know the truth before the truth can
make you free. That's what this verse is saying. Then
once you know the truth of God's Word about who you
are in Christ, it's acting on the truth you know that
makes you free.
That's so important, I'm going to say it a little
differently so you can grasp the meaning:
You must know the Word before the Word can make
you free.
Then you have to act on the Word you know.

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