The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

dominated the earthly government of Persia. So this
scripture is referring to a spirit being in the heavenlies
that ruled a region on earth through men who yielded to
Why didn't this wicked spirit in the heavenlies want
the angel to get through to Daniel with God's message?
For the same reason evil spirits don't want God's
message to get through to people today. Satan and his
hosts don't want God's will to be known upon the earth,
and that's why Satan blinds men's minds from seeing
the truth of the gospel (2 Cor. 4:4).
In Daniel's case, Satan wanted to keep the angel
from revealing God's plans and purposes to Daniel
about the future. When the prince of Persia withstood
the angel of God, God sent reinforcement by sending
another angel, Michael, to assist in the battle: “... lo,
Michael, one of the chief princes [an angel of God], came
to help me" (Dan. 10:13).
Finally, on the twenty-first day, the angel got
through the heavenlies to Daniel with God's message in
answer to his prayer. God wanted to reveal to Daniel
what was about to take place on the earth and what
would take place in the future.
So we see that wicked spirits can dominate earthly
kingdoms and governments. Now let's look at the
influence of demons on individual people's lives on the

The Rulers of Darkness
Let's look specifically at one class of evil spirits
Jesus talked to me about called the rulers of the
darkness of this world (Eph. 6:12). Jesus explained,
"The highest class of demons you will have to deal with

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