The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
Origins: Satan and His Kingdom

upon the earth are the rulers of the darkness of this
world. They are just exactly what the Word says they
are—they are rulers. They rule the darkness of this
world, and they rule over those who are in the
Jesus explained that rulers of darkness also try to
rule over believers who are not walking in the light of
their redemption, or who don't know or don't exercise
their rights and privileges in Christ.
Jesus told me that according to His Word, believers
are to take authority over these first three classes of
demons: principalities, powers, and the rulers of the
darkness of this world. He said that if we on earth will
bind the operation of the first three classes of demons,
according to His Word, He will deal with the fourth
class of demons—spiritual wickedness in high places.
He gave me Matthew 18:18 to substantiate this.
18 ... Whatsoever ye shall BIND ON
EARTH shall be bound in heaven [the
heavenlies]: and whatsoever ye shall LOOSE
ON EARTH shall be loosed in heaven [the
We are to bind evil spirits in their operation against
us in Jesus' Name, based on the authority of God's
Word (Luke 10:19; Phil. :9,10; Isa. 54:17; Rev. 12:11).
That is what Matthew 18:18 means. as we stand in our
authority in Christ and bind the operation of the first
three classes of evil spirits here in the realm of earth,
that tops them in their operation against us. When we
do that, then Jesus said He will deal with the highest
class of demons, spiritual wickedness ruling in the high

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