The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

warfare is the only subject in the Bible!
Doctrinally speaking, some people have made a
mountain out of a molehill. I suppose that's because
some Christians want to blame everything on the devil.
But in the epistles, the words "war" and "warfare"
primarily have to do with putting the flesh under and
controlling one's thought life. He can only do that by the
Word of God and with the help of the Spirit of God.
Many believers are trying to get victory in life some
other way. But what they need to realize is that
genuine spiritual warfare has to do mostly with the
mind and the flesh and fighting the good fight of faith (1
Tim. 6:12). Those who wage a good warfare keep their
mind renewed and their flesh in check and know how to
stand in faith on the promises in God's Word.
Keeping the body under subjection and controlling
our thought life is not widely taught in the Body of
Christ, so many believers allow the lusts of their flesh
to run rampant and uncontrolled. Many Christians who
have fallen into sin blame it on the devil, but they never
would have sinned if they had taken charge of their own
mind and flesh. They may claim that Satan caused
them to sin, but the truth is that Satan found an open
door through which he could get into their lives. They
were either thinking wrong thoughts or they weren't
crucifying their flesh.
One of the greatest failures of the Charismatic
Movement is that there has been so little teaching on
sanctification and separation from the contaminating
lusts of the world (2 Cor. 6:17; 2 Peter 1:4). Much of
what believers blame on the devil is the result of their
own lack of sanctification and separation from the
world. We separate ourselves from the world by obeying
the Bible's instructions in Romans 12:1 and 2. If

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