The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
Spiritual Warfare: Are You Wrestling or Resting?

believers will obey those scriptures, the majority of
spiritual warfare they will ever encounter in life will
already be settled.
I am not denying the existence of the devil or that
he is our adversary. But when a believer learns by the
Word of God to control his own thoughts and to gain
mastery over his own flesh, he will have no difficulty in
enjoying great victory over the devil who was defeated,
stripped of his power, brought to nought, and reduced to
nothing nearly 2,000 years ago by the Lord Jesus
I am telling you what the Word says on the subject
of spiritual warfare. Rather than always trying to stand
against something, why don't we just stand for
something—the truth of the Word of God and Jesus'
victory over Satan at the Cross of Calvary. As we stand
for the truth and get the Word on the inside of us,
situations in our lives will begin to be corrected. We
need to stay on the offensive, preaching the Word, not
on the defensive constantly trying to battle a defeated
foe as if we have to "defeat" him again and regain the
victory Christ already won for us.

Do Christians Wrestle With Demons?
So we can see that the epistles use the words "war"
and "warfare" to describe the conflict between the flesh
and the mind and between the flesh and the recreated
spirit. Then what does the Bible have to say about
"wrestling"? Does the New Testament teach that
believers need to wrestle with demons?

10 Finally, my brethren, BE STRONG IN THE
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