The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

When the authorities questioned this young man,
they found he was all right mentally. He had no record
of wrongdoing, had a good job, and lived in a fine home.
He had no financial worries, came from a good family
from whom he had inherited part of his wealth, and had
worked in the family business. They couldn't find one
thing wrong with him.
He told the authorities that there wasn't anything
wrong with him mentally; he wasn't worried, had no
problems, and the child was good. "But," he said, "while
I was bathing him, I suddenly had an uncontrollable
urge to harm him, and a voice told me to drown him. I
yielded to it, and when I came to myself, I was holding
my child under the water. I cried, 'Oh, God, why did I
do that!'"
You see, he was dominated by evil spirits—rulers of
the darkness of this world—because he was in
darkness; he wasn't saved. But believers don't need to
be dominated by evil spirits because we have been
delivered out of the kingdom of darkness and translated
into the Kingdom of light (Col. 1:13). We are in the light
where Jesus is our Lord. He is the One who is to
dominate us. He is the Ruler over us. He is our Head,
not rulers of darkness.
Satan is the head of those who are unsaved. If the
unsaved people of this world really knew the truth, they
would run to Christians to find out how to get saved so
they could come out from under Satan's dominion.
There is a spirit world that is even more real than
this physical world. People need to know that. When
you talk about the spirit world, you have to realize that
God is a Spirit (John 4:24), and that the devil, demons,
and evil spirits also exist in the spirit world, as do
angels—both good and evil. But believers have

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