The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
Origins: Satan and His Kingdom

out of character, and other family members say, "What
in the world made him do that? I've never seen
anything like that!"
The reason they do it is that they are being
dominated by rulers of darkness—demons and evil
spirits. If they're walking in darkness, they are being
ruled over and motivated by those rulers of darkness.
Jesus gave me First John 5:19 to illustrate what He
was talking about: "And we know that we are of God,
and the whole WORLD lieth in WICKEDNESS
[darkness]" (1 John 5:19).
Jesus said to me, "Every unsaved man and woman,
regardless of who they are—whether it's your kinfolks
or someone else's kinfolks, your brother, sister, mother,
or father—every unsaved person is in the kingdom of
darkness. And they are ruled or motivated more or less
by these demons or evil spirits who are the rulers of the
darkness of this world."
Then Jesus said, "Whether they want to admit it or
not, or whether you or anyone else wants to admit it,
that is absolutely the truth." Those who have not been
born again and who have not come into the Body of
Christ are still in the kingdom of darkness. So every
person who is not in the Kingdom of light is still ruled
or dominated to some extent by those demon spirits in
the kingdom of darkness, although they may not know
it (Eph. 2:1-3). That's the reason people do and say
things they said they would never do."
We see many examples of the unsaved being
motivated by evil spirits. For example, I was preaching
in California one time, and I read in the newspaper that
a twenty-eight-year-old young man had deliberately
drowned his own four-year-old son in the bathtub.

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