that has organic matter as 2% of its volume in the
upper 11 inches can reduce the rainfall or irrigation
required for poor soils by as much as 75%. (Poor soils
have about .5% organic matter in the upper soil area.)
GROW BIOINTENSIVE encourages maintaining more
than 2% organic matter.
A Native American type of bent bed is used to capture rainfall effectively. This
is a key water-harvesting technique.
- Even under arid conditions, soil that is shaded can
reduce evaporation up to 63%, depending on soil
type. The mini-climate created by closely spaced
plants provides good shading.
- Plants transpire water, which can be reduced by as
much as 75% in soils that have sufficient and well-
balanced nutrients in the soil water. The GROW
BIOINTENSIVE method prepares the soil so it provides
for a high level of fertility.