Preparation of a 5- by 20-ft bent bed for the concentration of rainwater in your
growing area, assuming half the necessary amount of rainfall is available. To
create a bent bed, soil is removed in 6-inch layers and placed in separate
piles. (The lowest layer—layer 5—is not used in this bed.) The separated piles
minimize unwanted mixing of soil strata. This is important because life-
enhancing organic matter and microbial life are in higher concentrations in
the upper layers. The slope range and soil compaction of that area
encourages sufficient run-off into the loosened soil without erosion.
- If you combine the last 3 factors listed on this page,
water consumption can sometimes be reduced to one-
thirty-second the level (one-quarter x one-half x one-
quarter) plants normally require. We have found that
GROW BIOINTENSIVE can reduce water consumption
on average to one-eighth that of normal methods per
pound of vegetable produced and to about one-third