Keto Comfort Foods

(sharon) #1

avoiding foods that contain gluten

As you’re probably well aware, a ketogenic diet typically
omits gluten. But you may not realize that gluten lurks in
many unexpected places!

Once when we were visiting family, someone asked if I
wanted a Bloody Mary, explaining that the mix she had
bought was gluten-free. I don’t drink alcohol, so I passed,
but the offer prompted my brother to ask if Bloody Marys
typically contain gluten. Yep, many mixes include
Worcestershire sauce (or the bartender will add a few drops
to the mix), and Worcestershire sauce contains gluten.

During that same visit, my aunt made stuffed mushrooms
and claimed that they were gluten-free because she hadn’t
added any crackers or breadcrumbs, but when I asked her
for her recipe, she said that she adds a few dashes of
Worcestershire sauce. This hidden gluten can be quite
problematic for people with serious allergies! So I put a list
together for you, whether you want to get rid of all gluten
from your diet or you have a guest coming for dinner who
suffers from a gluten allergy.

Foods You Wouldn’t Expect to Contain Gluten, but
Sometimes Do

  • Beverage mixes

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