What about people who want to use me, manipulate or
Theyarecut offfrom Being,sotheyunconsciouslyattempt
to get energy and power from you. It is true that only an
unconsciouspersonwill try touseor manipulateothers,but
andmanipulated.Ifyouresist orfight unconsciousbehavior
in others, you become unconscious yourself. But surrender
doesn't mean that you allow yourself to be used by
unconsciouspeople.Notat all.Itisperfectlypossibletosay
"no"firmly and clearly to a personor to walk awayfrom a
situationandbeinastateofcomplete innernonresistanceat
let it come not from reaction but from insight, from a clear
realization of what is right or not right for you at that
moment. Let it bea nonreactive"no,"ahigh-quality"no,"a
"no"that is free of all negativity and so creates no further
surrender to it, but I find it impossible. A lot of resistance
If you cannot surrender, take action immediately. Speak up
or dosomethingtobring about achangeinthesituation —
Do not pollute your beautiful, radiant inner Being nor the
Earthwithnegativity. Do not give unhappinessinany form
If you cannot take action, for example if you are in
prison, then you have two choices left: resistance or
surrender. Bondage or inner freedom from external