The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

memory records your daily experience.

Viruses are proteins that affect the consciousness or life of a cell. They
weaken a cell, setting it up for an immune response. As stated earlier, nature
never procreates the weak, it eliminates it. Many proteins (like viruses, etc.)
are the stimulus for this mechanism that allows the body to eliminate these
weaknesses, so that it can replace the weak cells with the strong.

The problem for the cells is that the typical fuels and building materials—
the foods that most people are consuming—can no longer support a refined
level of consciousness or awareness. Most of the food we eat today is very
low in energy and vibration or consciousness, which lowers the cell’s energy
and thus the body’s overall energy, thereby creating disease and death. This
low-energy lifestyle also lowers human awareness in general, which is why
we have so much hate, gossip and deceit instead of love.

The role of parasites in disease processes should also be mentioned here.
(See Parasites Good or Bad? Module 5.2.) Even though parasites are
secondary causes of disease, they are contributing factors to the
consciousness and vibration of a cell, thus affecting its DNA memory.
Human stupidity in introducing live or even dead pathogens (parasites) into
toxic bodies via the “vaccination” has led to a landslide of genetically
weakened and mutated cells. (For a more complete discussion of vaccinations
see Chapter Four, Toxic Habits.) Many “diseases” are created or inspired by
vaccinations, including ADD, AIDS, and most importantly, cancer. We have
allowed science to hurt, maim, or kill us, and then we have become
conditioned by false propaganda that indicates that we are to blame, not
science. Scientists play Russian roulette with human lives, all in the name of
“progress” and under the guise of protecting us. We must move past these
dark medical and chemical times where so much destruction of the species
has taken place.


It is time to awaken and get back to simplicity and the ways of God and
nature. Nature has supplied us with all the herbs and the foods we need to
clean, rebuild, and revitalize our physical and spiritual bodies.

Health is very simple: eat within the scope of your species; eat your
foods fresh, ripe, raw and unprocessed, as all other animals do; rest and get

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