The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

Forget diseases. Clean and strengthen your body (cells) and there is
nothing you can’t overcome (cure). Life begets life, death begets death. The
strong survive and the weak are consumed. This is especially true at the
cellular level. Make your body (and the cells that run it) strong again and you
will experience vitality and robust health and live a disease-free life.


Almost all tissue failure begins with acidosis and toxicity. As tissue fails, or
becomes congested, disease symptoms begin, both local and reflexed. By
“reflexed” we mean that many times we feel pain in one area, but the problem
or weakness originates in another part of the body. An example of this is
when the gallbladder is inflamed you may experience right knee pain or
weakness. You would never correlate the two because of the distance
between them.

We commonly and mistakenly call the symptoms of acidosis and toxicity
“disease,” and attempt to treat these symptoms with suppressive drugs. This is
not only foolish, but also deadly, as this eventually causes tissue failure
leading to tissue death. Never treat the symptoms; cure the cause. If you treat
the symptom, you never cure what created the symptom in the first place.
This means that in the future the root cause of the symptom of your disease
will take its toll on you, and could end your life.

Treatment never cures. Don’t treat—regenerate. It’s our only hope of
survival. Simply remove the inflammation throughout your body by
detoxification. Detoxify yourself of all the chemicals, unnecessary mucus,
toxic heavy metals, unnecessary parasites and acids. A clean and alkaline
body is a healthy and strong body.

Nothing is mysterious when you understand the truth behind it. Disease
is simply a natural process, an effect that the body experiences when its cells
begin to fail from toxicity in the form of excess mucus, vaccinations, metals,
chemicals and other pollutants, and from acidosis, that is, inflammation.
Cleaning out the body and strengthening the cells are the only ways to bring
about genuine healing.


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