The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1

plenty of sunshine; clean your body out of all the toxins, including chemicals,
heavy metals, antibiotics, excessive hormones, excessive proteins,
unnecessary mucus, destructive parasites, pesticides and the like. Basically,
alkalize yourself with your diet. We humans have the highest neurological
development of any species, and fruits are the highest electrically-alkaline
foods on the planet. I have seen fruits regenerate the nervous system where
vegetables did not.

Use herbs to rebuild tissue and promote tissue function. Use freshly-
made fruit and vegetable juices as “power” supplements to your diet. Add a
super-food complex or blend to your diet to enhance deficient foods. A
super-food, as its name implies, is one that contains some of nature’s most
nutritious and energetic foods, like royal jelly, wheat grass powder, and
alfalfa powder, in a capsule, pill or powdered form.

If you do all of the above, you will see your body kick into action. It will
clean itself out and rebuild itself, regardless of the disease you may have. As
a health professional, I’ve never seen a case of any disease that did not
respond to this program. Every person I have worked with has greatly
improved, and in most cases their diseased conditions have been entirely

Always try. I don’t care how advanced or immobile you are. I’ve seen
complete spinal cord severations repair themselves after years in which the
patient was almost completely immobilized. I have seen the body realign and
reshape itself from various deformities. If you follow nature’s laws, you will
find that the power of God and nature is unlimited.

Remember, there is a reason for everything, including health and disease.
It’s all about the law of cause and effect: your decisions and actions set the
cause in motion and you eventually experience the effect. Don’t get lost in an
endless scientific barrage of “treatment” concepts. Always try to understand
what is causing something. Ask yourself what the side effects might be of
whatever you do, eat, drink, breathe, feel or think. All these things become
your experience—physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

“Disease” is only a word used by the medical community and associated
with a set of symptoms that the body displays. When an allopathic doctor
refers to a disease, he/she does not understand the true nature of the body and
its response to genetics, toxicity and acidosis. They do not understand the
chemistry and physics of nature and the need for human beings to live and
consume in harmony with it.

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