The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

(Barré) #1
Chopped vegetables of your choice (including bean sprouts)

Add olive oil to skillet. Heat oil and add chopped vegetables (the sky is the
limit where your choices are concerned). Stir-fry for approximately 5–10
minutes, but don’t overcook. Season to taste with your favorite herbal spices.

Short-Grain Whole Brown Rice

1 cup of short-grain brown rice

2 cups of water

Rinse rice and put into a pot with 2 cups of water. Bring to a boil, cover and
cook on low heat for 45 minutes until all water is absorbed.

Millet Cereal

Use this once a week only. Prepare according to package directions, or as you
would oatmeal. Use rice milk only. Sweeten with honey, molasses or maple

Your food determines in a large measure how long you shall live – how
much you shall enjoy life, and how successful your life shall be.
— Dr. Kirschner, Live Food Juice
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